I spent last week picking and preserving apricots, a lot of cots.
My family loves dried apricot halves, fruit leather and jam!
Apricots are so easy to work with. Simply wash, pit and go!
Wash in cool water. |
I used wire drying trays and the amazing sun, very old school, to dry apricot halves and fruit leather. Two days in the hot son equals dried to perfection. Simple delicious fruit leather made with apricots and a tiny bit of corn syrup to sweeten, approximately 6 cups pureed fruit and 1/4 cup sweetener. Wash, pit and blend. I prefer to use small plastic lids (from butter, sour cream or yogurt) to dry the puree into perfect little portions of fruit leather.
I had the dehydrator running round the clock drying more leather and cots.
After several days of cots, my family joined in the pitting process. Behold, even an 18 month old can help with cooking. He was so proud of each pit he removed.
Finished products: 27 half pints apricot pineapple jam, 24 pints jam, 14 quarts of apricot puree, 20 cups frozen puree, gallon of dried apricot halves, and tons of leather. So glad to be done!
Apricot Pineapple Jam
5 cups apricots (wash, pit and puree)
1 cup crushed pineapple un-drained (puree with apricots)
3 cups sugar
1 small 3 oz orange jello
6 cups fruit puree and 3 cups sugar in sauce pot. Bring to a boil.
Reduce to medium heat and simmer/boil for 15 minutes, stirring
frequently. Add small jello stirring until dissolved. Ladle into jars,
water bath for 10 minutes. Yummy!
Makes 7 half pints, soft spread jam.
Try substituting Strawberry, Cherry or Lemon jello for different flavors.